[LeetCode Hard] 185. Department Top Three Salaries
SQL 문제 풀이
테이블 정보 문제 A company's executives are interested in seeing who earns the most money in each of the company's departments. A high earner in a department is an employee who has a salary in the top three unique salaries for that department. Write a solution to find the employees who are high earners in each of the departments. Return the result table in any order. The result format is in the followi..
[LeetCode Medium] 550. Game Play Analysis IV
SQL 문제 풀이
테이블 정보  문제Write a solution to report the fraction of players that logged in again on the day after the day they first logged in, rounded to 2 decimal places. In other words, you need to count the number of players that logged in for at least two consecutive days starting from their first login date, then divide that number by the total number of players.  결과 예시  정답 코드 (MySQL)WITH check_login AS ..